M. Abigail Hassert, MS, OTR/L
Happy Halloween! Costumes and candy and kids running everywhere. Halloween can be fun for many kids, but it can also be a little overwhelming for some. Trick-or-treating involves a lot of social interactions that may make kiddos anxious. Additionally, between loud sounds, bright colors, and itchy costumes, the whole experience can be difficult for children who have sensory issues. These tips below may be helpful if you have a child who isn’t as enthusiastic as others about Halloween!
Look over these tips before heading out to trick-or-treat to prepare both yourself and your kiddo. We hope you enjoy the experience (and the candy)!
If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s development, the therapists at Hogg Therapy would love to help! Visit our website at hoggtherapy.com or give us call at 859-353-3666.
Berea, KY 40403
(859) 353-3666
Fax: (859) 448-7077
Richmond KY 40475
(859) 353-3666
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