What is THe Feeding Clinic?

Our feeding clinic helps families eliminate stress from mealtimes and feedings while reaching goals through collaboration! We want to empower you to thrive—not just survive. We have a team of trained occupational therapists and speech language pathologists that are ready to provide help with any feeding difficulties your child is facing!

Meet the TEAM

Occupational vs Speech therapists

Why is our feeding team made up of both occupational therapists and speech language pathologists? Both types of therapists are masters in their field and work together to provide a whole-child approach to feeding!

Occupational Therapists

Our OTs are nervous system experts! They find fun and creative ways for children to progress toward positive mealtime experiences! Their goals in feeding therapy are to help children with sensory and emotional regulation during mealtimes.

Speech Language Pathologists

Our SLPs are experts at the anatomy of the mouth, throat, and larynx. Their goals in feeding therapy are to help children develop the motor skills needed to achieve safe and effective feeding.


Tethered oral tissue or "tongue, lip, or cheek ties" can create huge barriers for feeding and development. Tethered tongue tissue can lead to body wide concerns including delayed gross motor milestones, 'flathead' (plagiocephaly) or 'wryneck' (torticollis), as well as upper extremity and fine motor delays.

Here's where we come in! Hogg Therapy collaborates with pediatric dentists in the area in order to create individualized care for your child. Through therapy, our trained specialists can provide a helping hand to get your child back on track!

What to look for

  • Colic
  • Frequent hiccups
  • Significant reflux
  • Shallow latch on bottle
  • Loss of fluid while feeding
  • A clicking sound while feeding
  • Upper lip curls in when feeding
  • Painful or shallow latch on breast
  • Difficulty engaging in tummy time
  • Taking 30 or more minutes to feed

Family Testimonials

"After the release, and after therapy, Addi is a completely different baby! That is the understatement of the year, really. The difference was noticed immediately- she was less fussy, she took in less air, she slept better. She dropped the side-head turning preference. She could lift both hands above her head without resistance. I could literally go on and on and on and on. Night and day, this baby. It changed her life, and it changed ours. I am forever grateful.”  -Addi's Mom

Have questions about feeding therapy? give us a call: (859) 353-3666

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