Providing exceptional pediatric therapy services has always been our mission, and we’re excited to expand that commitment to even more families in Lexington!
When we first opened Hogg Therapy Pediatrics in 2014, we had a simple goal: to provide compassionate, high-quality therapy to children who need it. Over the years, thanks to an incredible team, mentors, and the support of so many wonderful families, we’ve grown—expanding our services and opening multiple locations, including in Lexington.
At the beginning of 2025, Wilson Pediatric Therapy approached us with an opportunity to ensure that their patients could continue receiving the care they deserve. We are honored to step in and help this clinic continue to grow—supporting both the amazing families and dedicated employees who call it home.
On March 26, 2025, Wilson Pediatrics will officially transition to Hogg Therapy. We are so grateful for this opportunity and look forward to making this a seamless, positive experience for everyone. Our team is excited to continue providing great therapy services and welcoming even more families into the Hogg Therapy community.
Sunshine? ✅ Swings? ✅ Spelling practice? ✅ This is multitasking at its finest!! 😉☀️ #playlearnachieve #hoggtherapy #speechtherapy
📣 Hogg Therapy is NOW HIRING Occupational Therapists for all our clinic locations! 🐷 Visit our website to learn more and apply! 💻 #nowhiring #richmondky #bereaky #lexingtonky #occupationaltherapy #hoggtherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics
Spring is in the air! These cuties enjoyed some time in the sunshine recently with ST Mrs. Martina! ☀️💐🐷 #speechtherapy #speechtherapist #playlearnachieve #hoggtherapy
Over the weekend, OT Mrs. Brittany went with Marquise to his first ever haircut! 💈Brittany shared this sweet success story: “My buddy got his first ever haircut today, and he is 5 years old!!! His mom and I joked that he went from Donnie Thornberry to Bruno Mars! Such a special moment for this autistic boy because he made the decision to get the haircut, he chose the barber online, he picked the hairstyle he wanted, and he made his mom invite me to come cause he knew he needed the support!…I can’t stop sobbing at his bravery, self advocacy, and his progress, as I’ve been seeing him since he was 2yo…I’m so blessed to be in this job and to be able to share the changes we make in these family’s lives.” ❤️💕😭
We’re so glad they got to share this special moment, and we’re proud of you, Marquise! #occupationaltherapy #hoggtherapy #milestonemoment
He’s got that weekend energy!!! Who else is excited that it’s Friday?! 🙌🥳🐷
Congratulations to these Piggy Punch Card winners 🐷🙌☺️ Remember to get those punches each month to be entered to win a prize (there’s a winner at each clinic location 😉)! #hoggtherapy #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #speechtherapy #pediatrictherapyclinic
This little guy is using an AAC Device in Speech Therapy to communicate and learn words like “more” and “all done”! When it comes to donut holes, the answer is always “more”!! 🍩😉😋 #speechtherapy #hoggtherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics
Our monthly Lego Group meets this Thursday, March 6th at 6:45pm at our Richmond clinic! Sign up to join at the link in our bio! 🧱🐷
Mrs. Autumn is helping this friend work on her balance and stance during PT! ☺️ #physicaltherapy #hoggtherapy
Practicing drawing different types of lines with OT Mrs. Jen! #occupationaltherapy #finemotorskills #hoggtherapy
Would your child benefit from physical therapy? 🤸♀️Pediatric physical therapy can help your kiddo achieve and maintain important physical milestones. Check out the Developmental Screening Tool under the Resources tab on our website, or give us a call at (859) 353-3666 with any questions you may have! #playlearnachieve #hoggtherapy #physicaltherapy #speechtherapy #occupationaltherapy
Working on some fine motor skills during an OT session with Miss Lauren! 💙🐷 #occupationaltherapy #hoggtherapy
PT is even better when you get to see your bestie! 💕
It’s Hoggy Homework Time! Don’t forget to practice your homework from your therapist! Completed homework = one punch on your Piggy Punch Card 🐷👍 #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #speechtherapy #hoggtherapy
Of all the toys and tools in our clinics, balloons will always be a favorite! 🎈🎈🎈 #occupationaltherapy #hoggtherapy
Reading words and phrases aloud during speech therapy can help the therapist ensure the child is reading at grade level while encouraging confidence in their speaking ability and practicing what they’ve learned during their sessions! 📖🐷 #speechtherapy #hoggtherapy
We’re excited to welcome Chasidy to the HTP family! Chasidy is our new Patient Access for Berea. Welcome to the team!! #hoggtherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics
❄️ The clinics will open at 10am. Someone will reach out with further details as your session may be on telehealth! Thank you for your patience as we navigate this snowy season! ⛄️
Caught this little buddy working on core strength and balance on the swing during a recent session with OT Mrs. Abby! #hoggtherapy #occupationaltherapy #sweaterweather
Our physical clinics are closed, but your therapist is excited to see your face on telehealth! 💻 ☺️
Your therapist or someone from our office will contact you with next steps! ❄️ ⛄️
Thanks for coming to our Valentine’s Day Open Play last week! We had so much fun! ❤️💕🐷 #hoggtherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics #lexington
Our hearts go out to the families affected by the devastating flooding in Eastern Kentucky. In times like these, even the smallest acts of kindness can bring relief to those in need. We are collecting essential items to support these communities. The most needed items at this time include:
• Bottled water
• Individual, non-perishable snacks
• Breakfast bars, Pop-Tarts
• Toothbrushes & toothpaste
• Hairbrushes & combs
• Soap & deodorant
• Feminine products
• New socks (all sizes)
• Adult diapers
• Pillows & blankets
• Towels
• Dog food & cat food
Every donation counts, and we deeply appreciate your support in helping these families during this difficult time. Please bring your donations to the collection boxes in the lobbies of HTP clinics. Thank you! ❤️
Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us at Hogg Therapy! Swipe to see some sweet moments from Valentine’s Week at our clinics! ❤️💖🥰💗🐷
Congratulations to these Piggy Punch Card winners 🐷🙌☺️ Remember to get those punches each month to be entered to win a prize (there’s a winner at each clinic location 😉)! #hoggtherapy #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #speechtherapy #pediatrictherapy
All locations are OPEN today! If you’re still snowed in and can’t jump back into your sessions in-person, therapists are always available via telehealth 💻🐷 #hoggtherapy #occupationaltherapy #physicaltherapy #speechtherapy
New on the Hogg Blog 🐷: In our latest post, PT Mr. Jacob shares all about pediatric foot development and how physical therapy can help as your child grows! Link in bio 📖
📸 Photo features PT Miss Audrey measuring ankle pronation with a sweet friend who was telling us all about her latest sledding adventure 🤌🛷 #hoggtherapy #physicaltherapy
POV: Snow day in Kentucky! ☃️ Are y’all enjoying the winter weather, or are you ready for Spring already? Drop your favorite snowy day activity in the comments ❄️🏂⛷️
Our physical clinics are closed, but your therapist is excited to see your face on telehealth! 💻 👌
Your therapist or someone from our office will contact you with next steps! ❄️ ⛄️
You’re invited to a Valentine’s Day Open Play on Friday, February 14th from 1:00 - 3:00PM at our Lexington Clinic! Kiddos are invited to play in the gym (with parent supervision) and watch the “Gnomeo & Juliet” movie! Register at the link in our bio, and follow the event on our facebook page for updates 💌🫶❤️🐷💘
Sometimes you just need a little lunchtime dance-break! 🔊Sound on🎬🎶💃🐷
This little teddy bear recently took his first steps during PT with Mrs. Hayden! Way to go, buddy!!! 👏☺️💪✨ #physicaltherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics #hoggtherapy
This sweet friend was having fun sorting dinosaurs and playing with Gak during OT with Mrs. Madeline this morning 🦖🦕 🥰 #occupationaltherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics
Making some lunch with Miss Georgia during speech therapy! 🥪🥛🍎 #speechtherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics #hoggtherapy #aacdevice
We’re so happy to welcome Leah Storie to the HTP team! 🐷🎉 Leah has joined Admin as Referral Intake! Welcome, Leah!
OT Abby shared strategies to prevent burnout with fellow therapists and staff at lunch earlier this week! Adults can feel overwhelmed, too, and sometimes we’re moving too fast to recognize when our brains and bodies need a break! Using Abby’s strategies, we learned what causes burnout, what it might look like, and how to cope by practicing internal recovery, autonomy, seeking support, and maintaining work/life balance. Thanks for helping us take care of our brains, Abby! 💪🧠🐷 #worklifebalance #preventingburnout #occupationaltherapy #physicaltherapy #speechtherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics
Our monthly Lego Group meets Thursday, February 6th at 6:45pm at our Richmond clinic! Sign up to join at the link in our bio! 🧱🐷
Playing with some Gak during OT! These friends made their own Gak with OT Miss Lauren and then took turns drawing in it! So much fun! ✍️🎨🐷 #playlearnachieve #occupationaltherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics
You’re invited to a Valentine’s Day Open Play on Friday, February 14th from 1:00 - 3:00PM at our Lexington Clinic! Kiddos are invited to play in the gym (with parent supervision) and watch the “Gnomeo & Juliet” movie! Register at the link in our bio, and follow the event on our facebook page for updates 💌🫶❤️🐷💘
Welcome to part 4 of our Adaptive Equipment series! This week, we’re learning about activity chairs with the help of our friend Slade and his speech therapist, Miss Megan!
An activity chair provides physical and sensory support to a client to allow for increased attention to a task, whether that’s feeding, fine-motor skills, or general play-based learning! While sitting in the activity chair, Slade uses an AAC device to effectively communicate. He’s also working on his fine-motor skills by picking up and eating the snacks he requested!
Make sure to leave a comment to tell us about your experiences with an activity chair or if you have a question! We would love to celebrate your experience or answer any questions you have. And thanks to all the therapists, parents, and patients who shared their stories about adaptive equipment this month! #hoggtherapypediatrics #adaptiveequipment #activitychair #speechtherapy #occupationaltherapy #physicaltherapy
Leveling up our play game with the King of Swings 👑🛝 A Saturday well spent learning how to make therapy even more fun and impactful for our kiddos! #hoggtherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics #kingofswings
Have we mentioned how much we love to use swings during therapy?! OT Miss Natalie snapped this pic during a recent session at our Berea clinic 💙🐷🙌#occupationaltherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics
📣 FINAL DAY TO REGISTER for the free virtual workshop with Alex Lopiccolo (@sensorydigest) at our Richmond clinic this Saturday! This is a hands-on, hybrid training, and lunch is provided. Swipe to check out what we’ll be learning! Register at the link in our bio 💻🐷 #kingofswings #hoggtherapypediatrics #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #speechtherapy
Our therapists are great at integrating your child’s interests into therapy! This kiddo loves arts and crafts and reading, so in this speech therapy session with Ms. Taylor, she worked on a craft while discussing her fave book series, BABYMOUSE (honestly, she made it sound pretty awesome!) 🐭📚🗣️🐷 #playlearnachieve #readlearnachieve #speechtherapy #hoggtherapy
Today, we honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. May we always pursue spreading kindness and helping others! #mlkday
Welcome to part 3 of our Adaptive Equipment series! This week, we’re learning about the dynamic stander with the help of PT Jacob and his buddy, Hayden!
A dynamic stander allows for a fully supported standing position that places a client in a fully weight-bearing position. Being fully weight-bearing allows for effective bone development and muscle strengthening for overall stability and development. Watch as Hayden pops bubbles while using the dynamic stander!
Dynamic standers are portable and easy to use, making them great for a wide range of activities, like puzzles, snacking, handwriting, or any type of play-based learning.
Make sure to leave a comment to tell us about your experiences with a dynamic stander or if you have a question! We would love to celebrate your experience or answer any questions you have. See you next Monday for part 4! #hoggtherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics #physicaltherapy #adaptiveequipment #dynamicstander
We are OPEN tomorrow! Quick reminder that although schools are out Monday, Jan. 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, our clinics are open for regular business hours! 🕰️ Can’t make it to the clinic? Join your session on telehealth! 💻🐷 #hoggtherapypediatrics #occupationaltherapy #physicaltherapy #speechtherapy
Swinging into the weekend with big smiles like this cool cat! Are you a student in a physical, occupational, or speech therapy program who wants to learn more about how activities like swinging can contribute to successful therapy practices? Join us in Richmond on January 25th for a free, hybrid training session with Alex Lopiccolo (@sensorydigest), the #KingOfSwings! This training is free for Communication Disorders, Occupational Therapy & Physical Therapy students, and lunch is provided. Register at the link in our bio 🐷 This is a hybrid workshop, with Alex joining virtually in real time to lead everyone through a hands-on, interactive course! 💻 #occupationaltherapy #physicaltherapy #speechtherapy #kingofswings #hoggtherapypediatrics #richmondky
📣 Join our team! We’re hiring occupational therapists! Learn more about the role and submit an application on our website: 🐷 #hoggtherapypediatrics #occupationaltherapy #nowhiring #pediatrictherapy #hoggtherapy
Playing Play-Doh while working on our “L” sounds during a speech therapy session with Miss Rachel🗣️ #hoggtherapypediatrics #speechtherapy
We have physical therapy appointments available in Richmond, Lexington, and Berea! 🤸♂️ Give us a call at (859) 353-3666 to get started! 📲🐷 #playlearnachieve #physicaltherapy #hoggtherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics #lexingtonky #bereaky #richmondky
Being a picky eater as a child is totally normal. But how picky is TOO picky? An occupational therapist can help your kiddo overcome fears around trying new foods by helping to replace the negative feelings associated with those foods with positive experiences through playing games, making up stories, or incorporating the food into fun activities, like Mrs. Ellen is doing here! Have questions about occupational or feeding therapy? Check out the Therapy Services pages on our website for more info! #hoggtherapypediatrics #occupationaltherapy #playlearnachieve
Welcome to part 2 of the Adaptive Equipment series! This week, we’ll focus on the gait trainer, and @harrison__greene is going to help show it in action 😎
A gait trainer is recommended by your therapists to promote active gait (walking) while being fully supported. A gait trainer allows for clients to focus on taking one step at a time as they learn to ambulate (walk) independently. Harrison can use his gait trainer in the clinic, in the community, and at home to improve his strength, balance and coordination 💪
Now, thanks to his gait trainer and hard work in PT, Harrison is ambulating independently—even tackling stairs—and is working with Miss Taylor from transitioning out of the floor independently!
Make sure to leave a comment with your experiences with a gait trainer or if you have a question! We would love to celebrate your experience or answer any questions you have. See you next Monday for part 3! #hoggtherapy #adaptiveequipment #physicaltherapy #gaittrainer
Happy Snowy Saturday! Hope you’re staying safe and warm out there! ❄️☃️
Hitting all the right notes in PT! 🎹🎶🎵❤️ #hoggtherapypediatrics #physicaltherapy
We’re ready to help your little ones run off their cabin fever 😂! This little gal was moving so fast, it was hard to keep up, but we had to get a picture of her outfit 📸🥰❄️
Our clinics are OPEN tomorrow! If you can’t make it in person, telehealth is available. Let’s play, learn, and achieve together in this snowy weather! ❄️🐷
Another snow day tomorrow! Our clinics are closed, but we’ll see you via telehealth! Your therapist will reach out with next steps, and if your session is cancelled, we’ll get in touch beforehand! Stay warm out there ❄️☃️🐷
Every Monday in the Month of January, we’ll make a post about the most commonly used adaptive equipment at Hogg Therapy for physical, occupational, and speech therapies! Therapists at Hogg Therapy most commonly recommend gait trainers, activity chairs, and dynamic standers. Follow along as we highlight these pieces of adaptive equipment this month! #hoggtherapy #adaptiveequipment #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #speechtherapy
Hogg Therapy is excited to host Alex Lopiccolo (@sensorydigest), the #KingOfSwings for a training session at our Richmond clinic! This training is free for Communication Disorders, Occupational Therapy & Physical Therapy students, and lunch is provided. Register at the link in our bio if you’d like to join! 🐷 This is a hybrid workshop, with Alex joining virtually in real time to lead everyone through a hands-on, interactive course! 💻
Location: 400 Farris Parks Blvd, Richmond, KY 40475
Date/Time: Saturday, January 25th, from 10am - 3pm
The clinics are closed tomorrow, but we’re excited to see you via telehealth! Your therapist will reach out with next steps! Should your session be cancelled, you’ll be contacted beforehand! ❄️🥶☃️💻📩
If we get snowed in, if it’s crazy cold outside, or if it’s just one of those days you want to stay in PJs our therapists are excited to see your family! Should our clinics close, all appointments will be adjusted to telehealth so we don’t miss a session with you! 🐷❄️🥶☃️
Our therapists wore their favorite Christmas sweaters and swag throughout December! So fun! Here’s a pic of some of the therapists at our Berea clinic before Christmas break ❤️🎄🐷 #hoggtherapypediatrics
Happy New Year from all of us at Hogg Therapy!! All locations are closed today, but we’ll be open the rest of the week! 🎉🥳🙌🎆🐷
Our monthly Lego Group meets this Thursday at 6:45pm at our Richmond clinic! Sign up to join at the link in our bio 🧱🐷 #hoggtherapypediatrics #hoggtherapy #richmondky
We love reading together! Did your kiddos get any good books for Christmas? Share titles with us in the comments! 📚🐷
📢 All clinics will be closed Wednesday, January 1st to celebrate New Year’s Day! We’ll be open for regular business hours the rest of the week 🐷😊🎆
Our latest blog post covers when occupational therapy might be needed! There are now three posts on our blog covering when OT, PT, and SLT services could be helpful — together, these posts can be a great resource for parents who might have questions about which therapy could be the best fit for their kiddos. #playlearnachieve #occupationaltherapy
When this cutie started feeding therapy with Miss Whitlie at Hogg Therapy, she was extremely gassy and unsettled during feeds, she lost lots of milk out of the sides of her mouth while taking her bottle, and tummy time was difficult.
Fast forward eight weeks, and this baby is now relaxed and calm during bottle feeds, is less gassy and uncomfortable, and doesn’t lose any milk during bottle feeds. She is now a certified tummy time champion and is working on rolling, reaching, and grabbing.
Changes at the nervous system level take time and consistency. These are the changes needed to make true progressions in feeding skills at this age. We think this mama and baby would definitely tell you that the payoff is more than worth it.
If your baby is struggling to feed, or if your parent gut is telling you something is off, come see us. Hogg Therapy’s Feeding Clinic would love to help! 🍼💖🐷 #occupationaltherapy #hoggtherapyfeedingclinic #hoggtherapypediatrics #feedingtherapy
We wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas! 🎄We’re honored to serve your families and hope that your holiday season is full of joy and wonder! 🐷❤️
We are thrilled to welcome Hunter White, our new Operations Director, to the HTP team! Welcome, Hunter! 👏🐷
We currently have NO WAIT LIST for PT and SPEECH at our Lexington clinic! Send us a message so we can help you get started! We can’t wait to PLAY, LEARN, and ACHIEVE together! 🐷
Reindeer Games Theme Week was a blast! 🎄❤️🦌
We kicked off the break with new flooring in the Richmond clinic classrooms! ✏️🍎🐽
Next project: Deep cleanings at all clinics! 🧽🫧🧼
Playing grocery store during speech therapy this morning! 🐣🍅🍉🐷 #hoggtherapypediatrics #speechtherapy
So many goodies at the HTP Christmas potluck today! We can’t let the kids have aaaaaall the fun! 😝🎄❤️🐷
Congratulations to our November punch card winners 🐷🙌☺️ Remember to get those punches each month to be entered to win a prize! #hoggtherapy #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #speechtherapy #pediatrictherapy
Our friend Jude played with a Christmas-themed and food-based sensory bin to help with tactile aversions! Jude’s momma collaborated with his OT to ensure that the bin includes safe textures, new textures, tools, and his special interests (letters and numbers)! #occupationaltherapy #sensorybin #hoggtherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics
Our clinics will be closed December 23rd - 27th for the Christmas holiday! Give us a call at (859) 353-3666 if you have scheduling questions — our staff is happy to help! 📲 🐷🎄
Reindeer Games theme week has officially begun! These two friends look like they’re having fun so far! 💚🎄🦌
Reindeer Games Theme Week starts tomorrow!!! Monday is Grinch Day, so wear your best Grinchy-green! 💚🎄🍏 Swipe to see all the dress up days, and be sure to check our stories for announcements!
Enjoying a Christmas puzzle during OT! 🎄❤️💚🤍 #occupationaltherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics #sweaterweather
Playing with your food is ok during feeding therapy! This OT and her friend were working on an SOS play strategy of placing the foods on different parts of their faces and play-sneezing it off, saying “ahhh choo”! This exercise helps to engage with food visually so that he’ll accept the food touching his fingers and mouth. Sitting in the sensory lounger helps to provide a sense of calm and regulation during therapy!! 🍅🥨🧀 #feedingtherapy #occupationaltherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics
Thank you for coming to our Peanuts Open Gym last week! We had so much fun!!
Our next Theme Week starts Monday, December 16th, and the theme is Reindeer Games! 🦌 We’re feeling the Christmas spirit already and are so excited! 🎄❄️🎅 Swipe to see the dress-up days and plan your outfits ❤️🤍💚 #hoggtherapypediatrics #lexingtonky #richmondky #bereaky
We’re excited to welcome two new additions to the Hogg Therapy team! Maya Homer, Speech Language Pathologist, and Mikayla Gilliam, Custodian! 🎉👏🐷
Whether they’re pretending the swing is a ship sailing over the waves or building a tall tower while standing on a balance ball, our PTs have fun incorporating imaginative play into therapy! 🐷😊#playlearnachieve #physicaltherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics
Looking for some indoor fun in this cold weather? Check out our monthly Lego Group! We meet tonight at Hogg Therapy’s Richmond clinic (sign up link in our bio)! 🧱✋🐷 #hoggtherapy #richmondky
Brrrrr, it’s cold outside! All our clinics are open today for regular operating hours. If you can’t make it to an in-person appointment, telehealth is a great option! 💻 📱 Stay warm out there! 🧤🧣❄️ #hoggtherapypediatrics #richmondky #bereaky
Stopped to chat with these friends in the waiting room yesterday. The Christmas spirit (and their enthusiasm for Pokémon) was contagious! 😊🎄🎅❤️💚 What’s your favorite thing about the holiday season?
Our Peanuts Open Gym is coming up Friday, December 6th at Hogg Therapy’s Lexington Clinic! Kiddos are invited to come play, color, and watch the Charlie Brown Christmas movie! This event is open to the public, but please register (link in bio).
“Knock knock…” ✊🏠 “Who’s there?” Playing house, or practicing words and phrases? 💬 How about both?! #speechtherapy #playlearnachieve
Sometimes, overcoming obstacles around eating looks just like playing with your food 😉🍟🍗 This friend’s OT has been working with him in feeding therapy to help him get used to foods he’s unfamiliar with. Most importantly, they’re having FUN! #feedingtherapy #occupationaltherapy #hoggtherapyfeedingclinic
Our Peanuts Open Gym is coming up next Friday, December 6th at Hogg Therapy’s Lexington Clinic! Kiddos are invited to come play, color, and watch the Charlie Brown Christmas movie! This event is open to the public, but please register (link in bio). 🎄🛝🐷 #thingstodoinlex #hoggtherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics #lexingtonky
Putting those fine motor skills to work during Occupational Therapy! 🐷🙌 #playlearnachieve #occupationaltherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics #hoggtherapy
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Hogg Therapy Pediatrics! 🐷🦃🌽🥧🌻 Our clinics are closed Thursday, November 28, but regular hours will resume Friday. #hoggtherapypediatrics
🍌🍓🍍🌽 Starting solids can be scary and messy. Hogg Therapy Pediatric’s feeding clinic can help you and your little meet your goals. Whether that is overcoming picky eating, transitioning from breast or bottle to solids, or struggling with anxiety around the mess. Come let us help grow your little one. 💙💖 #occupationaltherapy #feedingtherapy #hoggtherapy #hoggtherapyfeedingclinic #hoggtherapypediatrics
Our monthly Lego Group meets next Thursday at our Richmond clinic! Sign up to join at the link in our bio 🐷🧱🎉 #hoggtherapypediatrics #hoggtherapy
Say cheese! 📸 Can’t get enough of this friend’s awesome smile! 😄🚲 #hoggtherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics
Swinging is a great way to work on regulating our vestibular/movement system, and this was the first day this friend was comfortable swinging! Little bro is along for the ride 👍😊💙 #occupationaltherapy #hoggtherapypediatrics #hoggtherapy