Taylor Adkins, DPT
Graduation day is always exciting—whether it’s from high school, kindergarten, or even therapy! It’s a day to recognize you have met your goals. In the therapy world, graduation day is a little different. We don’t walk across a stage or throw hats in the air (although maybe we should). It doesn’t happen because you have been here for a set number of visits. It happens because you and your child have worked their hardest to improve their ability to interact in this world and they have finally met their goals!
Another word for graduating from therapy is “discharge.” Some people may ask why discharging is a good thing. Wouldn’t that mean that the child is no longer getting help? No! What it actually means is that, at this time, your child has met all expectations for their age or goals and no longer requires help to interact with their peers and environment. Therapy is not designed to help your child maintain skills. It’s designed to teach your child and you how to learn new skills and then maintain them at home. It also does not mean that you can never come back. You are always welcome to call or email with any questions or concerns! If another evaluation is needed, as it seems your child may need extended assistance to be able to complete these new skills, then that’s okay and is perfectly typical.
Every parent wants their child to be successful and meet their goals! Here are some great tips for meeting goals and graduating from our therapy services:
Remember, every child is different! What works for one kiddo may not work for another. Try these tips, work with the therapists, and have fun with your child. Together, we can help ALL kids enjoy being kids!
If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s development, our therapists would love to help. Please visit our website or give us a call at 859-353-3666.
Berea, KY 40403
(859) 353-3666
Fax: (859) 448-7077
Richmond KY 40475
(859) 353-3666
Fax: (859) 448-7077
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