AAC Myths Vs. Facts

November 3, 2020

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is a term that is used to describe various methods of communication that can help people who are unable to reliably use verbal speech to communicate.๏ปฟ

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is a term that is used to describe various methods of communication that can help people who are unable to reliably use verbal speech to communicate.

Myth: AAC is a “last resort” in speech-language intervention.

Fact: The use of AAC interventions should not be contingent on failure to develop speech skills or considered a last resort because AAC can play many roles in early communication development. 

Myth: AAC hinders or stops further speech development.

Fact: For very young children, the use of AAC does not appear to hinder speech development. In fact, it may enhance the development of spoken communication, which should be a simultaneous goal for intervention. 

Myth: A child must have some quality of motor skills to use AAC

Fact: There are a variety of ways that AAC can be used to accommodate anyone, even those with very limited physical abilities.

Myth: Behavioral issues need to be addressed before AAC can be effective

Fact: Many times, the lack of ability to communicate is the cause of behavioral issues, and once given the tools to effectively communicate, the individual’s behavior improves.

Myth: AAC is only for children who are nonverbal.

Fact: AAC is for any patient who does not have reliable verbal speech. If your patient does not have effective expressive communication, consider AAC.

Myth: Speech-generating AAC devices are only for children with intact cognition.

Fact: The technological developments in AAC devices have made a broad range of options available. There are now many choices of AAC devices that speak, from simple technology to complex systems, that permit access to a variety of language and literacy skills. 

Myth: The goal of AAC is to communicate basic needs

Fact: The goal of AAC is to communicate the needs AND wants of the individual. Communication is social and should bring the individual closer to others.


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